LR101 Linux VPN Router Project
6302 Hits
hinzugefügt von Alex, am 13.05.2004
LR101 is a hardware-based Linux VPN Router with support of all major routing protocols, real ipsec vpns, l2tp/ipsec vpns for mobile-user access and stateful firewall and traffic-shaping capabilities.
At present, release 1.0-6a is out now. With the self-developd "lrconfig" shell configuration interface - configuring your router is done after a few minutes. You'll get statistically informations via a web-interface with some "little" managemnet functions (will be enhanced until release 2.0).
Stateful firewalling is given by using IP-Tables 1.2.9 as primary firewall - but you can add optional-packages, as proxies, to fit all your needs.
With SuperFreeS/WAN-1.99.8 and L2TPd, connecting remote lans (branch offices) and mobile-user (notebooks on the road) is even one primary part of the LR101.
ISP/VPN Failover will ensure that your internet/vpn connection loss won't exceed one minute !
LR101 supports all major routing-protocols as BGP, OSPF, IP, GRE and IPIP-Tunneling - for security reasons RIP is NOT supported.
With QoS / TrafficShaping capabilities, you can ensure bandwith for critical data-flow.
This and more will give you ONLY the LR101 Linux VPN Router.