Dieser Kernelpatch versucht, die Zahl der Plattenzugriffe bei Laptops zu minimieren. Weil die Platte nicht mehr so oft hochdrehen muss, verringert sich der Strombedarf des Geraetes; die Laufzeit des Laptops soll sich laut Autor signifikant erhoehen.
Grsecurity is the most extensive set of security patches to the 2.4 tree of Linux kernels to date.
It features ports of popular security patches for the 2.2 tree of Linux kernels (such as Openwall, available at http://www.openwall.com/linux), its own ACL system, various other adapted features (such as the Trusted Path Execution and random IP ID implementations), as well as a great deal of enhanced auditing/logging features.
It also includes the work of PaX, available at http://pageexec.virtualave.net. The goal of the project is to create the most secure system possible while requiring minimum configuration.
"The exec-shield feature provides protection against stack, buffer or
function pointer overflows, and against other types of exploits that rely
on overwriting data structures and/or putting code into those structures.
The patch also makes it harder to pass in and execute the so-called
'shell-code' of exploits. The patch works transparently, ie. no
application recompilation is necessary."
Vergleich der Linux Kernel zwischen Version 1.0 und 2.4 in den Berreichen Lines of Code, Null Call, Stat, Context Switching, Signal Handling, Page Fault Latency und Mmap Latency.
Dieser Benchmark wurde von ein paar Studenten der Northern Michigan University erarbeitet.